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Novo ano, Novo você, Novos objetivos. 🥂🍾 Comece 2024 com 70% de desconto no 12min Premium!
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ISBN: 1480573914
Welcome to Mindfulness Meditation.…This set of recordings is designed to introduce you to both the formal and informal dimensions of mindfulness meditation practice. You might think of “formal” practice as the time that you deliberately set aside on a regular basis to practice meditation. These recordings provide varying amounts of time to practice “formal” meditation in a carefully designed sequence that is intended to assist you in cultivating multiple dimensions of mindfulness.Likewise, these guided meditations offer you many practical suggestions for incorporating mindfulness practice into the daily round of your life. You might find it helpful to think of mindfulness in everyday life as “informal” practice. However, beyond methods and distinctions, mindfulness is a way of life —a means of touching and inhabiting the warmth, clarity, and spaciousness that is your true nature.The Healing Practice of Mindfulness is meant to be used in quiet moments of your life thereby representing a substantial challenge to our growing cultural penchant for “multi-tasking” and trying to do more and more in less and less time. Working with these guided mindfulness practices will require you to STOP, deliberately making time in your life for non-doing, for being with and nurturing yourself. This itself is an immediate change in lifestyle; an expression of the care and attention that you have chosen to give to yourself by purchasing this program.I wish you well on your journey.… Warmly, Saki Santorelli
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